How control Super Power? |
It suits national interest of your country, to strengthen counter powers against the United States, doesn't it? The unilateralism by the United States has brought various disadvantages to the International Community. >Rejection of the CTBT (the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty) >United Nations conference aimed at strengthening global effort against illicit small arms trade ends without agreement on final document. >WTO Doha Round Suspended. Iraq War is one of the recent disadvantages of unilateralism, which brought by the United States. The United States opened war against Iraq in spite of International Community's opposition. As a result of this unilateralism by the United States, victim of 30,000 civilians and damage of 55,000,000,000 has broke out. The United States is a threat against International Community. In zero-sum game, if a party get profit then the other party's profit is damaged same quantity. If this apply to present international politics, then it is regarded as the relation between the United States and International community. Well, the pursuit of national interest is nation's duty. Accordingly, it is a matter of course to take precedence the national interest of it's own nation over another nation's national interest. Judging from behavior of the United States, unilateralism is a policy which the United States takes precedence it's own national interest over International Community's profit. It can compare the present international policy to zero-sum game between the United States and International Community. So, unilateralism by the United States must be judged damages to International Community's profit. Does International Community leave to suffer damage by unilateralism? It is necessary to prevent to suffer damage by unilateralism any more, isn't it? What support the unilateralism of the United States is projecting its national power. Projecting the United State's national power destroy power balance in International Community, and enables intimidation diplomacy for the foreign country, then make unilateralism possibly. Accordingly, it conceivable that correction of power balance in International Community is related to prevention of unilateralism. Isn't it necessary to strengthen counter powers against the United States, then correct power balance for International Community? However, there are perhaps countries which think that it suite its national interest that the United States keep and strengthen its power. If cooperate with the United States then collateral from the United States are expected. So it suite its national interest that the United States keep Super Power. The countries, which think like as mentioned above, are they. Is it correct? Let us verify the collateral of the cooperation for the United States is profitable or not. For example, the case of Japan is as follow. Japan team up with the United States presented North Korea sanction draft resolution in regard to missile launching problem by North Korea, which is occurred 2006/7/5 to the United Nations Security Council. But, finally Japan had to tone down to North Korea criticism resolution from early voting of North Korea sanction resolution, which Japan asserted strongly from the beginning. It is judged that one of the causes of this was cooperation attitude of the United States. According to reports, the United States came into line with China in the United Nations Security Council. Result in Japan, which had taken a hard line, went onto the defensive. And, Japan has taken friendly attitude to the United States. For example, Japan was the first to declared approval to the United States use force against Iraq before Iraq War. The collateral of the devoted cooperation for the United States was this cooperation attitude of the United States. What do you rate about cooperation attitude of the United States in regard to important national security problem of Japan, which is an ally of the United States? Is the collateral of cooperation for the United States reaches satisfactory level? Is the cooperation for the United States pay? To cooperate expect collateral is to expect partner's goodwill The goodwill is sentiment of partner, and then it is unreliable factor. Do you base national interest of your country on unreliable factor? Isn't it better for national interest of your country to ensure security then makes partner to cooperate? It can say that in present world the power is one of the most reliable securities. Isn't it reliable to ensure power, which can control the United States to make the United States to cooperate? The other party there is perhaps countries, which maintain as follow. The threat except for the United States is more serious than the threat of the United States in International Community. The super power of the United States is needed to cope with the threats in present International Community. Is it Really? Let us compare the threat of the United States and except for the United States, taking an example of it Iran as follow. 1. Degree of seriousness The United States: (1) Unilateralism 30,000 of civilians have dead result from Iraq war, which the United States waged. The fund for Iraqi revival since 2004 to 2005 calculated by The World Bank is 55,000,000,000 dollars. Still more According to reports, radioactive contamination is broken out in Iraq. "Preliminary results of UMRC laboratory analysis of field samples of civilian urine, soils and water samples indicate uranium contamination in several Iraqi cities and battlefields." Warning of Uranium Contamination Risks to NGO Staff, Coalition Forces, Foreign Contract Personnel and Civilians in Iraq (2) Actions which contrary to humanity. According to reports, US Forces seems have killed many civilians since 2004/11/7 to 2004/12/25 in Fallujah. At that time, there is doubt that US Forces used chemical weapon. "There are clear evidence that U.S. forces had used chemical weapons in Fallujah." "U.S. jets had bombarded it, killing every person who was in that humble hospital including all sick persons, doctors, nurses and injuries." "Affirmation of many witnesses the group killings of unarmed civilians after arresting them inside their houses and in mosques. " "U.S. snipers sniped to death many old men, women and children." "the witness also confirmed that the tanks had crush wounded persons by rolling over them without any mercy or sympathy." "Moreover, tow bodies were found killed and cut off their heads and stuck both heads on both bodies." Studies Center for Human Rights and Democracy in Fallujah A briefed report on American Crimes in AL-Fallujah for the period of November 7 to December 25, 2004 Unofficial translation (3) Terrorist Activity It is said that The United States has taken terrorist activity called "Salvador Option" since the mid-1980s in South and Central America. According to reports, Salvador Option is the crush against anti-American power using terrorism by the United States. In 1980s the United States formed special squads in El Salvador, and made it destroy a leftist guerrilla FMLN (Frente Farabundo Marti para la Liberacion Nacional). However, the target of this special squads was not only guerrilla. The United states made it attack not only guerrilla but also civilian who oppose pro-American dictatorship include democracy activist, the persons concerned with Human Rights, teacher, journalist and intellectuals etc. It is said that thousands of civilians fell victim to this terrorism. These terrorist squads did slaughter assassination, kidnapping and torture. As for the way of the terrorist squads, cruel murder methods of striking terror for example in slaughter, its methods were destroying a part of the body and doing the corpse in splinters etc. In this connection, the United States trained terrorist squad at SOA (School of the Americas). Then the United States have supported terrorist squads, and made it do terrorist attack. Salvador Option was used in Central America, include El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Nicaragua, Honduras. And, it is said that Salvador Option is used in Columbia up to now. According to NEWSWEEK dated on JANUARY 24, 2005, "And now the government is debating the formation of special squads in Iraq supported by Special Forces of the CIA, the so-called "Salvador option," after tactics used in Central America in the 1980s. Such squads could recruit Iraqis to "snatch" insurgents and sympathizers, hauling them off to such facilities, or to kill them sources tell NEWSWEEK." (4) Development of Nuclear Weapon The United States has eagerly propelled development of nuclear weapon. According to "CRS Report for Congress", "The Bush Administration completed its congressionally-mandated Nuclear Posture Review in December 2001. The review led to major changes in U.S. nuclear policy." "It planned to retain Cold War-era nuclear weapons, which would suffice for many contingencies, though at reduced numbers. To complement these weapons so as to improve U.S. ability to deal with new, more dispersed threats in various countries, the Administration sought to explore additional nuclear capabilities." "Accordingly, the FY2004 request included four nuclear weapon initiatives: (1) rescinding the ban that Congress imposed in 1993 on R&D on low-yield nuclear weapons; (2) $6 million for the Advanced Concepts Initiative (ACI) to begin certain studies of weapon-related science and technology; (3) $15 million to continue a study of the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator (RNEP), in which an existing bomb would be converted into a weapon able to penetrate into the ground before detonating to improve its ability to destroy buried targets; and (4) $25 million to enable the United States to conduct a nuclear test within 18 months of a presidential order to test, and for related purposes, as compared with the current 24-36 month time that was set shortly after the end of the Cold War. Congress acted on these requests in the FY2004 National Defense Authorization Act (P.L. 108-136), and acted on the latter three in the FY2004 Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act (P.L. 108- 137). For FY2005, the Administration requests $9.0 million for ACI, $27.6 million for RNEP, and $30.0 million for improving nuclear test readiness." CRS Report for Congress Received through the CRS Web Order Code RL32130 Nuclear Weapon Initiatives: Low-Yield R&D, Advanced Concepts, Earth Penetrators, Test Readiness Updated March 8, 2004 Jonathan Medalia Specialist in National Defense Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division Iran: In Iran draft resolution, which presented to UN Security Council in 2006/7/20, the passage, which refer to threat of Iran is following. "PP8. Concerned by the proliferation risk presented by the iranian nuclear programme, mindful of its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security and of the existence of a threat in this regard, and affirming its determination to prevent an aggravation of the situation," In 2006/6/13 Prime Minister of Japan Koizumi Jun-itirou answered about threat of Iran as follow. 「我が国とイランの二国間関係を始めとする国際情勢等を含め総合的に判断して、現時点において、イランを脅威又は潜在的脅威とは認識していない。」 "It includes the international situation and the like which begins bilateral relationships of our country between Iran and judges comprehensively, threat or latent threat it does not recognize Iran in present time." 平成十八年六月十三日受領 答弁第三〇一号 内閣衆質一六四第三〇一号 平成十八年六月十三日 衆議院議員鈴木宗男君提出イランの脅威又は潜在的脅威に関する質問に対する答弁書 of difficulty to cope The United States: Before Iraq war, International Community failed to prevent the United States use force against Iraq. And after Iraq war, International Community had no choice except approve Iraq revival which the United States takes initiative. It was impossible for international Community to take action against the United States. Iran: Is it impossible for international Community to take action against Iran? Judging from "Degree of serious" and "degree of difficulty to cope", Which is threat for International Community, The United States and Iran? Which should International Community take precedence coping with threat of the United States or Iran? Do you leave the threat of the United States? By the way, Do your country prepare cope plan when crash of interests between your country and the United States? It hard to say that your country is dividing into friends and enemies the United states, even though your country is an ally of the United States. Your country need to prepare for such a situation, isn't it? The case of Iraq gives example of situation, which crash interests against the United States. Now, The United States pursues former President of Iraq Hussein about poison gas attack against Kurdish. But past, How were relation between Iraq and the United States during the Iran-Iraq War? If crash interests then pursue problems of the country and force accept its demand, although the country is an ally. It is Truth, Justice and American Way, as you know. It hard to say that your country do not fail to situation which is same with Iraq. If there is not any counter power against the United States, when crash interest against the United States, your country must fight alone against the United States. Is it suite national interest of your country? Off course, there is a choice, which take precedence the national interest of the United States over its own national interest. But, it will be an act of treachery against its nation. Nevertheless, Do your country cope with the United States? He that is without sin among you let him first cast a stone at her. Why on the earth the United States need ally? It is because power insufficient of the United States. The united states do not have enough power to cop with problems, then demands another country cooperation. The bottleneck of unilateralism is power insufficient of the United States. There is perhaps a key to contain unilateralism. The bigger power of the United States insufficient the more the United States needs cooperation of another countries. It is presupposed that if a gap between required power and possessing power expanded then necessaries to dependent on ally will increase, and then the voice of ally against the United States will increase. In that case, a power relationship between the United States and its ally will change. Do strengthen voice of ally against the United States become deterrent in opposition to unilateralism? Inversely, the weaker counter power of the United States the less the United States need power of its ally. It is presupposed that if the counter power of the United States get weak then the tendency of unilateralism of the United States will strengthen. Please remember that the unilateralism of the United States escalated after the Soviet collapsing. To weaken counter power of the United States will reduce value of ally in use. It seems If ally weaken counter power of the united states cooperate with the United States then ally weaken position of itself. It is not suit national interest, is it? It is presupposed that Strengthen of counter power against the United States strengthen the position of its ally and strengthen voice of its ally. Simultaneously, it is presupposed that this will become security to make the United States to cooperate It suits national interest of your country don't you? If there is no game in the field then the hound gets into trouble. Therefore the hound avoid hunt all games up. And it is presupposed that this become a power to prevent unilateralism and will relate to remove the threat of the United States, isn't it? To realize the United States unilateralism, it is prerequisite to overwhelmingly power It can presupposed that the reason of the United States has propelled expansion of armaments include nuclear arms is for the purpose of it. Still more, it is advisable to establish situations which International Community can not stand up to the United States divide and weaken International Community and then. It is considered that the United States reduces counter power which against the United States using "Coalition of the willing" and "the United Nations" is a kind of "Divide and Rule" and "Indirect Rule". International Community strive for weaken counter power which against the United States is to strengthen the power of the United States relative and to serve environment to realize unilateralism. Unilateralism is disadvantages for International Community. International Community weaken the counter power which against the United States cooperates the United States is same thing as dig its own grave. Nuclear fusion is super power. If generate nuclear fission without control then it produce deadly destruction. But, If generate nuclear fission with control then it profit human race Super power must be controlled. The United States is a super power too. How do you think control the United States? Counter Colonial Business *********************************************** v(^o^)v daisy Chun Jiuqien ( x ) daisy ICQ:38969410 m m=* daisy *********************************************** |
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